
Hi there. My name is Jessica and you might've guessed that I've blogged before and used "Hip to be Square" as the name of my blog. Well, I'm back and it's time for part two, the electric boogaloo.

I am a 28 year old graduate student living in Atlanta, GA with my wonderful boyfriend, Chris, and two adorable cats, Bigs and Poops (I'll explain their names in a post at some point). I am studying to get my Master's of Science in Educational Research at Georgia State University.

Why am I blogging again? Well, the catalyst behind starting up again is the fact that I severely broke my ankle on January 22nd, 2018 and I know my recovery is going to be long. Boredom is not the only reason I'm blogging though. I started to see an amazing therapist at the end of the last year and she suggested that journaling might help me. I've never been one to journal by myself, like if I had any siblings they would be highly disappointed in the lack of juicy material that could be found in a journal.

I'm not entirely sure what this journal is going to be. I know I'm going to use it to help explore my health history, and believe me it's a fucking doozy. I believe I'm going to use it to help me lose weight (yay binge eating, bingers unite!) and better my relationship with food, as well as other parts of a healthy life style - here's looking at you yoga mat I got for Hanukkah that I wholly intend to use the shit out of. Also, I'm probably just going to write whatever the heck I want in here and if people read it then yay, and if not then they don't know what they are missing out on. I'm probably going to bring some ideas on over from my old blog, like my "Robo Hip Bucket List" aka all the things I wanted to do after getting my hip replaced. I guess I should probably go in to a page about my medical history and why it's fucked me up so much both physically and mentally.

But for now, I'll just leave it here with some likes:

  • My boyfriend
  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Reading
  • Videogames (Xbox fo' lyfe)
  • Cats, especially my cats
  • Food
  • Air Conditioning
  • Dry Shampoo
I'm sure I like a lot more things, but to be honest I'm on some pretty heavy pain killers for my ankle at the moment and I refuse to alter any of this because truth and consequences...or something? This might be a bad idea, but pain killer Jessica thinks this will be cathartic and fun, therefore sober Jessica will be all like "damnit high Jessica, you're totally fucking right". Also I cuss a lot. Hopefully see you soon with some quality content like photos of my cats and some sweet, sweet pain killer updates from the hospital (also extensive Winter Olympics curling coverages).


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