Well guys, here we are again. Last time I blogged it was because I was going to be getting a hip replacement. This time, I'm blogging because I broke the ever living bajeezus out of my right ankle (I'll be 100% more clear on this when I speak to my orthopedist at my after surgery appointment in a couple weeks, but right now I believe I have a trimalleolar fracture, as well as a few other things).

Since the last time I blogged, I undid some of the goals I hit when blogging before. BUT that's okay, because I'm going to do better this time. I have an even better support system than last time (even though last time's support system was incredible) and I believe that I will just become a better person, not just one that can walk, through this process.

Last time I blogged I still lived at home and was in undergrad. Now, I live with my wonderful boyfriend and I am a graduate student.

I don't have too much to say right now other than I am in pain, but this will pass. I am really heavy, but that weight will fall off. I am in the worst headspace I've been in in a long time, but my therapist and honestly I think blogging a bit will help that.

So, I'll see you guys when my pain killer isn't putting me to sleep, because let me tell you I have experienced some painful things in my life, but right now this is taking that cake. Also, if you want to look at my last blogging attempt, which is not pretty anymore, then please feel free to hit up jhip.blogspot.com

And now, a 5:00 PM nap :D


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